Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wicked wreck on Indiana and Tampa St.

Last night while sitting at my desk working on my next show, I saw - or rather heard first then saw the aftermatch of - a nasty wreck at the corner of Indiana and Tampa St.

Two white older-model sedans totally made out in a very ugly way, knocking down a street sign, a for sale sign, kissing a telephone pole and also a retaining wall in the process.

Seems two girls were in the car going down Indiana and didn't stop for the stop sign (not a surprise - happens daily) and got nailed by a car coming down Tampa. The car the girls were in continued down Tampa until running into a wall, and the other car is the one that ate it into a street sign, for sale sign and telephone pole.

The best part was the two girls quickly got out of the car, grabbed their stuff and walked about a half a block away where they hopped into a brown Suburban and left the scene completely. I thought (as well the rest of my neighbors did that saw it) that the girls were intially just getting away from the vehicle.

No one got a tag. Looks like a forensics team showed up a bit later to dust the car down for prints before it got towed off. Stolen vehicle? Maybe. I don't understand why else someone would do that.

Good times ...

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